Well, a lot has happened since my last post! So much that I really don’t know where to begin. I’ll stick to the music highlights. Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order…
This was a good time… record turnout for a Live from Matt’s House event!
The band went to Costa Rica and played 2 gigs!
Well, this is a much longer story, but I produced and played in a Tom Petty Tribute Night in front of 801 people!
We raised $20,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters!
I met a TON of new friends!
Played a bunch of gigs…
And went to a bunch of shows!
It’s been a great year musically, with a lot more to come.
Next up: Mandolin Orange, Pearl Jam, David Byrne, Ziggy Marley and Elton John!
I’ll be back soon.
Matt Becker
Live from Matt’s House